Geographical Analysis of Team Sports as a Strategy for Developing Sports Industry Regions in Egypt Using GIS

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Geography, Institute of African Studies and Nile Basin Countries, Aswan University, Egypt.

2 Department of Geography & GIS, Faculty of Arts - Assiut University, Egypt.


Background: Sports activity is a form of human expression and organization. Sport is an important part of everyday life and has become a rapidly growing global industry. Because sports activities have spatial dimensions, sport has acquired scientific legitimacy in the field of geography due to the ability of geography to provide better insight into sporting problems through spatial analysis of them.
Problem: Based on the fact that sports are spatial activities, and that geography and sports activities are closely related, and in recognition of the vital role that geography plays in the different spatial patterns of the sports practiced according to various geographical environments, the research problem focused on providing an in-depth analysis of the regions of sports activities for team sports in Egypt’s youth centers.
Methodology: In addition to spatial analysis method, the study relied on spatial statistical methods and utilized geographic information systems techniques in building models for modeling team sports activities in order to figure out and determine the geographical regions of these activities.
Results: The study presented a spatial analysis of team sports activities practiced in Egypt, a map of player productivity in youth centers in Egypt, and a spatial geospatial regionalization of team sports. It emphasized that the broad umbrella of geography has produced diversity in sports activities practiced in Egypt, and the results of geospatial regionalization can be relied on to explore sports talents to participate in international sports events and develop the sports industry in Egypt.
